
Renata  Ltd.

at Gazipur, Dhaka Job Type: Factory Construction, No. of Floor- 2, Space: 25000 Sft. Job Specification: CONSTRUCTION, PLUMBING, GLASS FABRICATION, CARPENTARY, PAINTING AND OTHERS.

Gulshan  Club Ltd.

Gulshan House

Job type: Construction & Interior, No. of Floor: 1, Space:7000 Sft, Job Specification: Construction,    Interior, Electrification, GLASS Fabrication, Carpentry,  PLUMBING, False Ceiling, Painting, Tiles, Stair Railing

Kolkata Flat Design

3 D Design Bed room design, Kitchen, Payer Room, Dining, Bathroom, M. Bed and others design. "In design, variety spices up the visual experience, creating rooms...

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